B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis
BSc and MSc Thesis supervised by GNOM members.
Gestió òptima de l'energia en microxarxes amb incertesa a la producció i a la demanda. Advisors: Jordi De la Hoz Casas, F-Javier Heredia Cervera. M.Sc. Thesis. Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, 09/2019.
. Advisors: F.- Javier Heredia; Marlyn D. Cuadrado. B.Sc. Thesis. Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, 01/2019.
Sandra Orozco Martín, Rebalancing stocks among retail points of sale. Advisors: Elena Fernández, F.-Javier Heredia. M.Sc. in Statistics and Operations Research. Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, 19/01/2018.
Study and Implementation of the EUPHEMIA Model in European Energy Markets. Advisor: F.-Javier Heredia, Josep Salas. ETSEIB, 03/11/2018. DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/123837.
Josep Homs Moreno, A MIP formulation of a Hybrid AC-DC offshore wind power plant topology. Advisor: F.-Javier Heredia, Cristina Corchero, Lucia Igualada. M.Sc. in Statistics and Operations Research. Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, 23/10/2017. DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/110482.
Jordan Escandell Planells, Caracterització de Formulacions Fortes del Problema Unit Commitment. Advisor: F.-Javier Heredia. B.Sc. in Mathematics. Facultat de matemàtiques i Estadística., 19/07/2017. DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/106960.
Daniel Ramon Lumbierres, Optimal Supply Chain Strategy through Stochastic Programming. Advisor: F.-Javier Heredia. M.Sc. in Statistics and Operations Research. Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, 27/07/2016. DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/88818.
Maksims Sisovs A Study on Feasibility of the Distributed Battery Energy Storage Systems in Spanish Retail Electricity Market. Advisor: F.-Javier Heredia. "KIC InnoEnergy". Master of Science in Smart Electrical Networks and Systems. UPC. 2016.
Energy Management System para una microrred domestica con participación en los servicios auxiliares de red, Advisors: F.-Javier Heredia, Cristina Corchero, advisors. M.Sc. in Statistics and Operations Research. 27 July 2014. DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/2099.1/23233.
A stochastic programming model for the tertiary control of microgrids. Advisors: F.-Javier Heredia, Cristina Corchero. M.Sc. in Statistics and Operations Research. 27 July 2014. DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/2099.1/23235.
Andina Rosalia Brown, A multi-objective approach to infrastructure planning in the early stages of EV introduction. Advisors: F.-Javier Heredia, Cristina Corchero. M.Sc. in Statistics and Operations Research. 27 January 2014. DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/2099.1/20851.
Stefano Nasini, Optimization procedures to generate conditional random networks. Advisor: Jordi Castro. M.Sc. in Statistics and Operations Research. 8 March 2013.
Xavier Jiménez, A modelling and optimization environment for block-angular large scale problems. Advisor: Jordi Castro. Faculty of Computer Sciences. 24 January 2013.
Julián Cifuentes Rubiano. Stochastic optimal bid to electricity markets with environmental risk constraints. Advisor: F.-Javier Heredia. Master of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC. 2012. DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/2099.1/17485.
Lucia Igualada. Optimal Management of Microgrids. Advisors: F.-J Javier Heredia, Cristina Corchero. Master of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC. 2012.
Simona Scripante, Optimal sale bid for a wind producer in Spanish electricity market. Advisors: F. Javier Heredia and C. Corchero. Master of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC. 2011. DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/2099.1/13914.
Unai Aldasoro Marcellán, Optimización de modelos estocásticos de mercado eléctrico múltiple mediante métodos duales. Advisors: F. Javier Heredia, Master of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC. DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/2099.1/13917
Miguel Matute Martínez, Métodos para hallar puntos iniciales en el Ajuste Controlado de Tablas (CTA), Advisor: José Antonio González, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC, 04/11/2010.
Ben Jamaa, Mohamed-Ali, Optimization techniques applied to finance and risk management, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC, 26/02/2010.
Daniel Pérez Alcázar, A solution for the aircraft recovery problem using column generation. A generalized implementation for airlines, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Master of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC, 08/05/2009.
Optimización de recursos en redes de transporte ópticas, Advisors: F. Javier Heredia, Master of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC, 11/03/2009.
Estudi i optimització de l'oferta al Mercat Ibèric d'Electricitat (MIBEL), Advisors: F. Javier Heredia, Diploma in Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, UPC, 09/07/2009.
Oferta òptima multi–mercat al Mercat Ibèric d’Electricitat, Advisors: F. Javier Heredia, Master of Mathematical Engineering, UPC, 04/03/2009.
Laura Marí, Planificació òptima estocàstica a mig termini de la producció d'electricitat en un mercat oligopolístic, MSC thesis, Febrero de 2009.
M. Roca, Planificació de la generació elèctrica i de la reserva rodant a curt termini en un mercat liberalitzat amb contractes bilaterals, Advisor: Narcís Nabona, Master of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC, 2008.
Daniel Baena Mirabete, Application of Benders Metthod for controlled setting of tables (cta), Advisor: Jordi Castro, Master of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC, 30/10/2007.
Generació d'escenaris per a l'optimització de l'oferta al mercat elèctric, Advisor: F. Javier Heredia, Diploma in Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, UPC, 26/09/2007. Abstract
Reducció d'escenaris per a l'optimització de l'oferta del mercat elèctric, Advisor: F. Javier Heredia, Diploma in Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, UPC, 26/09/2007. Abstract
D. Eager, Wind power generation impact in medium-term electric generation planning, Advisor: Narcís Nabona, University of Edinburgh, School of Mathematics – UPC, Master of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC, 2007.
Daniel Baena Mirabete. Ingeniería Informática, Implementation of a matrix reordering algorithm, Desarrollo de un compilador entre dos lenguajes de modelización, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Barcelona School of Informatics, UPC, 31/01/ 2006.
Pilar Oliva Girbau, Development of a compiler between two modeling languages, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Informatics Engineering, Barcelona School of Informatics, UPC, 06/07/ 2005.
Jónatan Herranz, Development of a library for shortest paths. Application to a data protection problem, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Informatics Engineering, Barcelona School of Informatics, UPC, 31/012005.
Carlos Chanca, Sergio Guillén, A tool for portfolio optimization, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Diploma in Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, UPC, 22/06/2004.
Alberto García, A "hook" AMPL generic for network flow problems, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Barcelona School of Informatics, UPC, 21/06/2004.
Sergio López, AMPL translator to EXCEL, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Informatics Engineering, Barcelona School of Informatics, UPC, 17/12/2003.
Jaume Alcàcer, Parallelization of the algorithm "branch-and-bound" for programming linear and integer, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Informatics Engineering, Barcelona School of Informatics, UPC, 29/01/2002.
Germán Sánchez, Development of a set of''JAVA applets for teaching linear and integer programming, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Informatics Engineering, Barcelona School of Informatics, UPC, 25/01/2002.
Laurent Adler, Development of a package for multiarticle flows, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Informatics Engineering, Barcelona School of Informatics, UPC, 22/01/2002.
Juan Luis González, Implementing a planning tool project, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Informatics Engineering, Barcelona School of Informatics, UPC, 16/01/2002. Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC, 20/07/2001.
Núria Pérez, Heuristic methods for preserving confidentiality in data tables, Advisor: Jordi Castro, Diploma in Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics , UPC, 20/07/2001.