
Two seminars at Hitotsubashi University and the National Statistics Center (Tokyo, Japan)

Two seminars given at Hitotsubashi University and the National Statistics Center (Tokyo, Japan), 28 February 2018 and 1 March 2018

Prof. Jordi Castro gave  the following two invited seminars:


  • J. Castro, Recent optimization approaches for tabular data protection, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, 1 March 2018.
  • J. Castro, Optimization models for tabular data protection, National Statistics Center, Tokyo, Japan, 28 February 2018.


At the National Statistics Center he had an official reception  (see picture) by the president (Dr. Hiroi Tsubaki, first line right) and three vicepresidents (second line, left) of the National Statistics Center, and prof. Kiyomi Shirakawa of Hitotsubashi University (second line, right).